How Old Am I?

Carole King - Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow
Chances are that nobody will ever accuse Carole King of having a wonderful voice just the same way that no one will ever accuse Conor Oberst of having a beautiful voice, but the fact of the matter is that both of them get the job done. I have heard many renditions of this song, some by artists with beautiful voices, but no version has been able to touch this original version. Carole's voice carries every bit of emotion in this section of pure pop bliss. James Taylor's backing vocals and guitar add a wonderful touch to this 4 minute piece of romanticism of insecurity. This is one of those songs that should be required listening to be considered a member of the human race.
Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow

ELO - Living Thing
No, this song was not written for a jingle. Kids today are gonna hear this song and think of insurance or job finders or some ridiculous corporation now. Instead they should be thinking of Jeff's sweet voice, the crazy string section and the bouncing feel good rhythms. Pop music can be a great thing.
Livin' Thing

The Meters - Cissy Strut
A pure New Orleans classic. One of the greatest instrumental songs of the modern era, Cissy Strut is one of those songs that EVERYONE has done a version of. Its a rite of passage for young jambands and guitar players of all genres. If you can stand still during this song, you have no heart and no soul. I would hate to be your doctor.
Cissy Strut

Tim Buckley - Morning Glory (Peel Sessions '68)
Justin Furstenfeld once said "Where did all my idols end up? They've all passed away." Unfortunately, Tim Buckley fits in that category, but man, did he leave us some great music or what? He could weave some incredibly beautifully slow and meloncholy songs without ever making them boring, as is the case with this live rendition of "Morning Glory".
Morning Glory

War - The World is A Ghetto
When I was a kid, my family went on road trips to Denver at least once a year, if not 2 or 3 times. We'd load all of us kids in the car and head out to cross the barreness of western Kansas. Needless to say, none of us were to excited to make the journey. However, we always had our music we took with us to make it better. And our main roadtrip staple was "The Best of War...and More!" by...well...War. THe strong harmonies, the organ, the horn parts, the upbeat lyrics, we loved everything about it. Low Rider is one of my all-time favorite songs and to this day, I can't take a roadtrip without a War cd in my cd case. Here's one of their best. Check out those vocal harmonies!
The World Is A Ghetto