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One of the "hip" things to do in music today is the two-man (or indie music - the boy-girl band) and thus strip the music down some, usually to just something you can beat on and something you can play some sort of melody on. It's very rare you get something TRULY unique out of the formula, but often times its still quite enjoyable. But before it was hip, it was experimental.

Back in 1970, Billy Joel teamed up with drummer Jon Small to create a project called Attila. Joel provided vocals and played an oddly distorted organ. This stuff was NOT "Just the Way You Are". It was some sort of combination of the early metal sound, with psychedelic and a touch of prog even. At times, Joel's vocals sounded somewhat akin to the wailing of Robert Plant, if you can imagine that. Once again, this was NOT "Just the Way You Are."

However, the album was a huge bust. No sales, the critics hated it (and apparently still do) and the band ended up getting dropped from their label after just the one album. Apparently, when they lost the record deal, Joel even tried to commit suicide by swallowing furniture polish. You're lookin' at Billy Joel a bit differently now, aren't ya?

Even down to today, it's considered by critics to be one of the worst all time records. It sounded so ridiculous that I had to hear it - but frankly, I really like it. But listen for yourself - you know you're curious about it by now.

01 California Flash
02 Wonder Woman
03 Rolling Home
04 Brain Invasion
05 Revenge Is Sweet
06 Tear This Castle Down
07 Amplifier Fire
08 Godzilla Pt. 1

Attila Wiki Page


Blogger Coffee Guy said...

How odd that you make a post like this the day before I scour the Net looking to replace my original cassette tape of Attila! THANK YOU!!!

I've loved this album from the moment I first hear it. Here's my favorite review of this album:

Thanks again!

7:47 AM  
Blogger Don't Need Anything said...

oh man, that review is awesome! i especially loved "ham fisted".

10:25 AM  
Blogger Suit et Tie Guy said...

thank you so much for posting this. BJ is such a d-bag about this record i don't even want to buy a used out-of-print CD reissue of it.

also it's nice to see a positive review of this album. i think it's amazing.

7:00 PM  

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